
    Philosophy and Literature. Volume 42. Number 1 [Текст]. - Maryland : Johns Hopkins University Press, April 2018. - 277 p. - Б. ц.
MacKinnon, John E. Narrative Rhyme and the Good Life / E. MacKinnon John. - P .1-29
Wieand, Jeff. The Artist as Prophet: Emerson's Thoughts on Art / Jeff Wieand. - P .30-48
Selleri, Andrea. Oscar Wilde on the Theory of the Author / Andrea Selleri. - P .49-66
Thomas, Michael L. Resisting the Habit of Tlon: Whitehead, Borges, and the Fictional Nature of Concepts / Michael L. Thomas. - P .81-96
Martin-Seaver, Madeline. Murder and Midwifery: Metaphor in the Theaetetus / Madeline Martin-Seaver. - P .97-111
Nyusztay, Ivan. The Merry Sufferer: Authentic Being in Samuel Beckett's Happy Days / Ivan Nyusztay. - P .112-124
Gehrman, Kristina. The Character of Huckleberry Finn / Kristina Gehrman. - P .125-144
Lackey, Michael. The Art of "Reading-To" and the Post-Holocaust Suicide in Schlink's The Reader / Michael Lackey. - P .145-164
Ruth, Jennifer. Flannery O'Connor's Mrs. Turpin, Hannah Arendt's Adolf Eichmann, and Dreams of Boxcars / Jennifer Ruth. - P .165-184
Duncan, Gullick Lien. Rehearsing Better Worlds: Poetry as A Way of Happening in the Works of Tomlinson and MacDiarmid / Gullick Lien Duncan. - P .185-200
Bernard, J. Dobski Escape from Plataea: Political and Intellectual Liberation in Thucydides's History / J. Dobski Bernard. - P .201-216
Dongho, Cha. Richards and Williams: Spring and All and the Invention of Modernist Form / Cha Dongho. - P .217-221
Trent, Michael Sanders. The Promethean Form: A Poet's Ontological Metamorphosis in Emerson's "Self-Reliance" and "The Poet" / Michael Sanders Trent. - P .222-229
Petar, Ramadanovic. But Then, A Moral Experiment / Ramadanovic Petar. - P .230-235
Fred, Rush. Wittgenstein and the Craft of Reading: On Reckoning with the Imagination: Wittgenstein and the Aesthetics of Literary Experience, By Charles Altieri / Rush Fred. - P .236-243
Jay, R. Elliott Virtue Ethics and Literary Imagination / R. Elliott Jay. - P .244-256
Elinor, Hallen. Wittgenstein and the Creativity of Language ed. by Sebastian Sunday Greve and Jakub Macha (review) / Hallen Elinor. - P .257-259
Moores, D. J. Literature and Happiness / D. J. Moores. - P .260-277
Bill, Richardson. Mapping the Literary Text: Spatio-Cultural Theory and Practice / Richardson Bill. - P .67-80
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Рубрики: Філософія літератури--Мова англійська

Перейти к внешнему ресурсу https://www.press.jhu.edu/journals/philosophy-and-literature


    Moores, D. J.
    Literature and Happiness [Текст] / D. J. Moores // Philosophy and Literature. Volume 42. Number 1. - Maryland : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018. - P260-277
ББК 83.3(0)

Рубрики: Літературознавство--Мова англійська

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
література художня -- філософія -- щастя