
    Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature. Volume 56, Number 1 [Текст]. - Maryland : John Hopkins University Press, 2018. - 91 p. - Б. ц.
Kerchy, Anna. Translation and Transmedia in Children's Literature / Anna Kerchy. - P .4-9
Beauvais, Clementine. Translated into British: European Children's Literature, (In)difference and Ecart in the Age of Brexit / Clementine Beauvais. - P .10-18
Cowdy, Cheryl. Grammars of New Media: Interactive Trans-Sensory Storytelling and Empathic Reading Praxis in Jessica Anthony and Rodrigo Corral's Chopsticks / Cheryl Cowdy. - P .20-27
Felce, Hannah. Picturebooks in a Minority Language Setting: Intra-Cultural Transformations / Hannah Felce. - P .36-44
Miller, Carl F. The Decline and Rise of Latin Translation in Children's Literature / Carl F. Miller. - P .46-54
, Kokkola Lydia. Children's Literature in "Our Language" / Anna Becchi. - P .56-60
Becchi, Anna. I Am a Translator, a Transmitter of Culture / Anna Becchi. - P .62-64
Wiebe, Katja. ViVa Vostok: Literature for Children and Young Adults from Central and Eastern Europe in the German-Speaking Area / Katja Wiebe, Nikola von Merveldt. - P .66-73
Mazi-Leskovar, Darja. Translating Children's Literature by Gillian Lathey (review) / Darja Mazi-Leskovar. - P .75-76
Yokota, Junko. Stories from Asia: The Asian Children's Literature Collection by National Library Board Singapore / Junko Yokota. - P .76-77

Рубрики: Літературознавство--Література дитяча

Перейти к внешнему ресурсу https://www.press.jhu.edu/journals/childrens-literature


    Miller, Carl F.
    The Decline and Rise of Latin Translation in Children's Literature [Текст] / Carl F. Miller // Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature. Volume 56, Number 1 : John Hopkins University Press, 2018. - P46-54

Рубрики: Літературознавство--Література дитяча