
    Modern Fiction Studies.46 - 3 .Fall 2000 [Текстььь] . - Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins University Press for the Department of English,Purdue University, 2000. - 799 p. - 10.00 грн.
Toward a History of Gothic and Modernism: Dark Modernity from Bram Stocker to Samuel Beckett / John Paul Riquelme . - P .585-605
Oscar Wilde's Aesthetic Gothic: Walter Pater, Dark Enlightenment, and The Picture of Dorian Gray / John Paul Riquelme . - P .609-631
"Double Born": Bram Stocker and the Metrocolonial Gothic / Joseph Valente . - P .632-645
Oxford's Ghosts: Jude the Obscure and the End of Gothic / Patrick R. O'Malley . - P .646-671
Race, Labor, and the Gothic Western: Dispelling Frontier Myths in Dorothy Scarborough's The Wind / Susan Kollin . - P .675-694
"I'm in the Business Too": Gothic Chivalry, Private Eyes, and Proxy Sex and Violence in Chandler's The Big Sleep / Charles J. Rzepka . - P .695-724
Parodied to Death: The Postmodern Gothic of American Psycho / Ruth Helyer . - P .725-746
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