
    ELH. Vol.67 N 4, Winter [Текстььь] . - Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins University Press for the Department of English,Purdue University, 2000. - 1109 p. - 10.00 грн.
The Embrace of the Fig Tree: Sexuality and Creativity in Midrash and in Milton / Jeffrey S. Shoulson . - P .873-903
On Authorship, Sexuality, and the Psychology of Privation in Milton's Paradise Lost / K. O. Acheson . - P .905-924
The Sovereignty and Goodness of God in 1682: Royal Authority, Female Captivity, and 'Creole' Male Identuty / Teresa Toulouse . - P .925-949
John Thelwall and PopularJacobin Allegory, 1793-95 / Michael Scrivener . - P .951-972
Chopkins, Late Shakespeare': The Bard and his Burlesques, 1810-66 / Richard W. Schoch . - P .973-992
Poe and the Poetics of Opacity: Or, Another Way of Looking at that Blackbird / Richard Godden . - P .993-1010
In the Shadow of the Glen: Gender, Nationalism, and 'A Woman Only'" / Rob Doggett . - P .1011-1034
The Genealogies of Ulysses, the Invention of Postmodernism, and the Narratives of Literary History / Brian Richardson . - P .1035-1054
Joyce and Matisse Bound: Modernist Aesthetics in the Limited Editions Club Ulysses / James A. Knapp . - P .1055-1082
Writing Home: Spatial Allegories in the Poetry of Seamus Heany and Paul Muldoon / Christopher T. Malone . - P .1083-1109
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