
    Ellis , R.
    The Study of Second Language Asquisition [Текстььь] / R.Ellis . - Oxford ; N.Y. : Oxford University Press, 1999. - 824 p. - ISBN 0-19-437189-1 : 45.00 грн.
Second language acquisition reserch: An overview . - P .11-40
Learner errors and error analysis . - P .47-72
Developmental patterns: order and sequence in second language acquisition . - P .73-117
Variability in learner language . - P .119-158
Pragmatic aspects of learner language . - P .159-190
Social factors and second language acquisition . - P .197-242
Input and interaction and second language acquisition . - P .243-291
Language transfer . - P .299-345
Cognitive accounts of second language acquisition . - P .347-413
Linguistic universals and second language acquisition . - P .415-466
Individual learner differences . - P .471-527
Learning strategies . - P .529-560
Classroom interaction and second language acquisition . - P .565-610
Formal instruction and second language acquisition . - P .611-663
Data, theory, and applications in second language acquisition research . - P .669-691
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