
    Applied Linguistics. V20. N3.September 1999 [Текст]. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1999. - 418 с. - Б. ц.
Cheng, Winnie. Inexplicitness: What Is It and Should We Be Teaching It? / Winnie Cheng. - С .293-315
Rampton, Ben. Dichotomies, Difference, and Ritual in Second Language Learning and Teaching / Ben Rampton. - С .316-340
Hyland, Ken. Acadevic Attribution: Citation and the Construction of Disciplinary Knowledge / Ken Hyland. - С .341-367
Myers, Greg. Functions of Reported Speech in Group Discussion / Greg Myers. - С .376-401
King, Kendall A. Reviews / Kendall A King. - С .402-404
Georgieva, Maria. Reviews / Maria Georgieva. - С .402-408
ББК 81.1

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